Sunday 6 January 2013

Had great fun yesterday on a Trash the Dress Shoot in the North East with Beccy and Stephen will upload their photos soon - Ruth decided to trash a lens hood too just to add to the fun of the day in a fight with a rock - Ruth lost and is now a little sore !

Thursday 29 November 2012

New section of URBAN ART going live on my website today with many new and unseen peices of photographic art from indsutrial dereliction and low light photography , please like and share ;)

Monday 5 November 2012

Latest Wedding Review - November 2012

Hi Andrew and Ruth,

Thank you both (again) for both our efforts on our Wedding day.

We're over the moon with the photos; the bridesmaids through the wall, the cufflinks, the resevoir dogs shot! The statue had everyone in creases of laughter, you've obviously put a lot of time and effort into the editing.

Feel free to use the following as a review for your website:

We've been looking forward to seeing the photos since we got back from the Honeymoon; it was definitely worth the wait! They're brilliant - we can't thank you enough. We're really happy with the mix of photos (black & white, colour splashes etc.), plus there's so many! You've captured the whole day perfectly; shots of the venue, ceremony, guests (staged and natural) and of course, the speeches! Friends and family alike commented on how professional you both were - discreet yet always on hand to make sure nothing was missed. Nothing seemed too much to ask, your suggestions for shots turned out brilliantly and the end results are amazing - Thank you both!

Thursday 16 August 2012

New wedding photography reviews 2012

Thanks to all our clients from 2012 so far and we have posted your reviews to our site , its been a fab year so far and still loads to go ! Andrew and Ruth x

Friday 6 July 2012

Thursday 31 May 2012

Thursday 10 May 2012

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Out last night for a bit of relaxation and some painting with light at the awesome Brimham Rocks near Ripon in the UK.